Discovering Your Baby’s Gender: Insights from Pregnancy Ultrasound Scans
Pregnancy ultrasound scans are essential for checking your baby’s health during pregnancy and can also reveal the gender. While some prefer to wait until birth, many parents-to-be are eager to know the gender early on. However, how reliable are these predictions? We’ve consulted experts to address your concerns.
What Does a Gender Ultrasound Entail?
A prenatal ultrasound is a safe imaging technique utilizing sound waves to create images of the fetus without radiation. Typically performed between 18 to 22 weeks, known as a level 2 ultrasound, it’s primarily aimed at assessing fetal development rather than solely determining the baby’s sex.
What Occurs During the Gender Ultrasound?
While lying on an examination table, the ultrasound technician will apply gel to your abdomen. They’ll then use a plastic transducer emitting high-frequency sound waves, which bounce off the baby’s body to create an image of their organs and tissues. You’ll have the opportunity to witness your baby’s movements and, in many instances, learn their gender.
During the anatomy scan, the technician will:
- Measure the baby’s size
- Assess the fetus from head to toe
- Monitor the heart rate
- Examine major organs
- Gauge the level of amniotic fluid
- Assess the placenta’s position
- Examine the baby’s genitalia
The technician will check the genitalia for any issues but may not disclose the baby’s sex unless requested by the parents or if there are concerns, which can be discussed further by the physician.
Accuracy of Gender Scan Ultrasound Predictions
Determining the gender of your baby through ultrasound is usually accurate, especially later in pregnancy. Studies show that after 14 weeks, technicians are correct almost 100% of the time. However, before 14 weeks, they’re right about 75% of the time, often mistaking male fetuses as female.
Several factors affect accuracy:
- Timing: Waiting until the second trimester improves accuracy as the genitals are more developed.
- Baby’s position: If the baby’s position obstructs the view, accuracy can be affected.
- Mother’s body size: Larger bodies may make it harder to see clearly, but experienced technicians can still manage.
- Carrying multiples: Twins or more can make it harder to see each baby clearly, potentially affecting accuracy.
- Fetal Measurement: We measure your baby to estimate their size, helping us calculate Estimated Fetal Weight (EFW). This data is plotted on a growth chart to track your baby’s progress.
- Amniotic Fluid Evaluation: We assess the volume and quality of the amniotic fluid to ensure it’s optimal for your baby’s development.
- Placenta Positioning: Knowing where the placenta is located is crucial for delivery planning. We check for conditions like placenta previa that may affect your pregnancy.
- Cervical Health Check: We examine the length and opening of the cervix, typically using a transabdominal ultrasound. If needed, a transvaginal ultrasound may be performed for a more detailed assessment.
- Basic Anatomy Review: This initial check doesn’t replace the detailed anomaly scan at 18-24 weeks. We also offer comprehensive anomaly scans for those who prefer private services.
Gender Ultrasound Signs for Female Gender
When identifying the fetus’s sex through ultrasound, the technician examines specific features known as indicators.
While some assume the absence of a penis signifies a girl, early in pregnancy, the clitoris and penis may appear similar. Key indicators for a girl include:
- Hamburger sign: This involves observing the female genitalia, including the labia and clitoris. The labia resembles a hamburger bun, while the clitoris resembles a hamburger patty.
- Sagittal sign: This sign is identified by examining a profile view of the fetus. In the midline sagittal plane, a nub known as the caudal notch is observed. If it points downward, indicating a girl.
- Additional Clues: Other clues suggesting a girl include: Genital tubercle angled downwards, developing into the clitoris. Three distinct lines in the genital area, resembling the “hamburger sign,” representing the labia majora, clitoris, and labia minora.
While ultrasound indicators provide valuable insight, they’re not foolproof. A second trimester ultrasound around week 20 often offers accurate gender identification.
Once confirmed, you can prepare for your baby accordingly and share the news with loved ones—unless you prefer to keep it a surprise!
Signs of Male Gender on Ultrasound
Identifying male fetuses can be challenging, particularly before week 14. From weeks 18 to 20, indicators for a baby boy include:
- Male genitalia: Presence of testicles, scrotum, and penis indicates male sex. The technician may search for the “turtle sign”—the penis tip visible behind the testicles.
- Sagittal sign: An upward-pointing caudal notch suggests a boy. Indeterminable positions may complicate gender determination.
While it may be challenging for parents to decipher ultrasound images, sonographers focus on specific male traits:
- Genital tubercle angle: An upward-pointing tubercle indicates a penis (or clitoris for a girl). A sonographer views this angle from the side for gender determination.
- Dome shape: From below, a “dome sign” between the legs indicates the presence of a penis and scrotum, suggesting a boy.
Opting for a Surprise: Your Choice Matters
Anticipating the gender reveal is a significant part of the pregnancy journey for many expectant parents. Yet, not everyone desires to know before birth. At Mediviron Gender Ultrasound Scan service, we acknowledge and value the diverse preferences surrounding this momentous occasion.
If you choose to keep the gender a surprise until delivery, kindly convey your preference to our specialist before the scan. We are dedicated to respecting your wishes and customizing your experience accordingly.
The Timing of Gender Ultrasound
At around 12 weeks into pregnancy, determining the baby’s sex via ultrasound can be challenging. Some doctors suggest waiting until about 13 weeks when external genitalia start to develop externally. For a clearer answer, consider waiting until your 20-week anatomy scan or getting a consultation with our doctor.
In Conclusion
Understanding the intricacies of gender determination via ultrasound is crucial for expectant parents. While early predictions may not be as accurate, later scans offer more reliable results. Our doctors at Klinik Mediviron respect your choices, whether you prefer a surprise or an early reveal. With advanced technology and skilled professionals, we ensure a personalized experience tailored to your preferences and needs, guiding you through this exciting journey of pregnancy.
Curious about our ultrasound scan services? Contact us today to learn more and schedule your appointment!

Mon – Sun | 8:00 – 22:00 |
Lunch Hour | 13:00 – 14:00 |
Dinner Break | 17:00 – 18:00 |
011-1305 6114

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